Anti-Harassment Policy & Code of Conduct
At game events GmbH, our mission is to create an inclusive, harassment-free environment for everyone participating in our digital and physical events. We expect all participants—including speakers, exhibitors, sponsors, volunteers, staff, and guests—to adhere to the following Code of Conduct to ensure a positive experience for all:
Expected Behavior
All participants in our events, whether digital or physical, are expected to remain mindful of their speech and actions and take personal responsibility for contributing to a respectful and welcoming environment. Specifically, this includes:
- Amplifying marginalized voices: Give priority to the voices and experiences of individuals who are systemically marginalized in tech and gaming spaces, with particular attention to those who are gender-marginalized and/or racialized. Create and uphold a safe, judgment-free, and confidential space for their expression.
- Equitable communication: Actively listen to others and ensure that discussions are shared equitably. Avoid dominating conversations or monopolizing spaces.
- Respect boundaries: Always ask for consent before touching someone and ensure you have permission before engaging in conversations on potentially sensitive or triggering topics.
- Avoid assumptions: Do not make assumptions about anyone’s identity, background, experiences, or pronouns. If you are unsure, ask respectfully or use gender-neutral language.
- Inclusive language: Avoid using language that is discriminatory in any form. This includes but is not limited to racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, classist, ableist, ageist, or cissexist language.
- Accept corrections with humility: If someone points out that your words or actions were harmful, accept this feedback gracefully. Remember that the impact of your actions is more important than your intent and take responsibility for making improvements.
Unacceptable Behavior
We have zero tolerance for any form of harassment, violence, or exclusionary behavior. Unacceptable behavior includes, but is not limited to:
1. Oppressive Behaviors:
Any conduct that demeans, marginalizes, rejects, threatens, or harms anyone based on their identity, including but not limited to:
- Gender identity or expression
- Sexual orientation
- Race, ethnicity, or nationality
- Religion or belief system
- Age
- Physical appearance or body size
- Ability or disability status
- Socioeconomic background or class
- Political views (specifically when those views promote hate or oppression)
Examples include:
- Publicly sympathizing with hate groups or endorsing political beliefs that contradict our values.
- Deliberate misgendering or using inappropriate pronouns or deadnames.
- Marginalizing someone by excluding them from conversations or activities based on their identity.
2. Harassment:
Harassment includes any behavior, whether verbal or physical, that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment. This includes but is not limited to:
- Violent, intimidating, or physically threatening behaviors.
- Verbal comments or slurs related to gender identity, sexual orientation, race, religion, ability, physical appearance, body size, or age.
- Sexual imagery, language, or comments in public spaces where it is inappropriate or unwelcome.
- Deliberate intimidation, stalking, or following.
- Harassing photography or recording without consent.
- Persistent and unwanted communication after being asked to stop.
- Publicizing non-harassing private communications (including recording or sharing direct messages or closed chats without permission).
- Sustained disruption of talks, panels, or other event activities.
- Inappropriate physical contact, such as groping, touching, or unwelcome sexual advances.
- Unwanted sexual attention, such as sexualized comments, jokes, or innuendos.
3. Exclusionary Actions:
Exclusionary behavior includes denying participants the opportunity to contribute to the event based on their identity or background. Examples of exclusionary behavior include:
- Preventing someone from participating in discussions or activities due to their race, gender identity, or other personal attributes.
- Engaging in favoritism that privileges certain individuals over others, contributing to an inequitable environment.
- Creating or reinforcing an inequitable learning or working space through bias, stereotyping, or microaggressions.
Consequences of Violating the Code of Conduct
If any participant is found to engage in unacceptable behavior, the event organizers or staff may take immediate action, including but not limited to:
- Issuing a verbal or written warning.
- Expelling the offender from the event without a refund.
- Reporting the incident to local law enforcement or authorities if necessary.
We expect all participants to comply with this Code of Conduct at all event-related activities, whether online or in person, and at all social or networking events associated with our conferences. The game events GmbH team reserves the right to remove any participant who does not comply.
Exception Clause
Discussion or imagery related to sensitive topics such as sex, pornography, or discriminatory language may be allowed under the following conditions:
- Organizers have granted specific written permission.
- The topic is essential to the discussion, and no alternative exists.
- It is presented in a respectful manner, especially towards marginalized groups such as gender-minoritized or racialized communities.
- Attendees are provided with ample advance warning, and they have the option to leave the session without penalty.
This exception does not allow the use of gratuitous sexual images or discriminatory language as an attention-getting device. These requirements apply to advertisements, sponsor materials, and content distributed during the event.
Reporting a Violation
If you experience or witness harassment or other unacceptable behavior, or if you have any other concerns, we encourage you to report it:
- On-site: You can contact our Awareness Team at any time and / or use our anonymous contact form.
- Online: You can submit a report using our anonymous contact form.
Please note that volunteers and support staff are not trained to manage incident reports. If the situation involves an immediate threat, contact conference security or law enforcement.
Conference Security: Visit the production office or contact the team directly.
Law Enforcement: Dial 110 for police assistance.
Medical Non-Emergency: Dial 112 for 24/7 non-emergency medical services.
License and Attribution
This policy is based on examples from trusted organizations, including A MAZE, Geek Feminism Wiki,, and It is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license. It was created in collaboration with The Volunteer Experience™.